864-866 Maple Rd, Gambrills, MD 21054, USA
864-866 Maple Road Gambrills Maryland 21054 US



T H E longest running UFO event in the Washington-Baltimore area continues this year as we reevaluate some of the most significant cases in UFO history, and at the same time, consider recent trends and events in the field! This could well turn out to be the most important “MYSTERIES” conference ever! You can be among the first to personally interview DR. DAVID JACOBS as he discusses his long-awaited and highly anticipated final book in his trilogy on abductions: “WALKING AMONG US: THE ALIEN PLAN TO CONTROL HUMANITY.” “MYSTERIES” will be among the very first speaking engagements for Dave subsequent to the release of this controversial and disturbing book. You will also have an opportunity to speak with LARRY HOLCOMBE who will be discussing his new book: “THE PRESIDENTS & UFOs: A SECRET HISTORY FROM FDR TO OBAMA.” Larry does an excellent job of tracing UFO history through the prism of American presidents. Many “newcomers” to the field may not fully appreciate the rich history of ufology, especially in terms of some truly fascinating “classic” cases. For example, we are less than a year away from the 50th anniversary of the (in-)famous 1966 SWAMP GAS EXTRAVAGANZA, which put J. Allen Hynek on the “UFO map” forever! DR. LINDA MURPHY and her husband BILL (from the CENTER FOR UFO STUDIES) will be traveling here from Michigan to examine the events, issues, and people behind this pivital chapter in UFO history, and evaluate what scores of police officers, college students and everyday people saw in those early spring days in 1966. The Murphys will shed NEW light on this intriguing and important story, which involved a man who later became the President of the United States! It also so happens that 2015 is the 60th anniversary of one of the most peculiar, yet well-documented cases in ufology, the KELLY–HOPKINSVILLE-GOBLIN Encounter (in Kentucky). SUSAN SWIATEK, State Director of Virginia MUFON and a UFO historian in her own right will be presenting a review of what arguably might be one of the first “high strangeness” cases in UFO history! (In any case, we definitely will be hearing about high strangeness as we welcome back, MUFON STAR TEAM INVESTIGATOR, NORM GAGNON, whose fascinating stories are consistently featured in many issues of the MUFON Journal.) No discussion of UFO history would be complete without talking about what is considered to be among the most credible UFO events which included apparent “occupants”: The 1964 SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO incident involving police office, Lonnie Zamora. Television personality, BEN MOSS, of the “HANGAR 1” TV show will be updating this case, which former MYSTERIES speaker & notable UFO historian Don Berliner, once described as among the “strongest” & most convincing cases he ever investigated! Of course UFO sightings never ceased and veteran ufologist, ROB SWIATEK, a MUFON Board Member, will bring us all up-to-date about “current events” in ufology. Rob, who has appeared on the Larry King Live TV show, was recently the ONLY invited UFO speaker at the prestigious Society of Scientific Exploration (SSE) conference near Washington, D.C. (Of course, speaking of history, Rob is probably the world’s leading expert on the famed 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO flap over our Nation’s Capital.)

So, whether one is a “UFO novice” who wants to be educated about UFO history, or a veteran observer of ufology, this conference is for YOU! There is something for everyone, including, as usual, PRIZES and give-a-ways! Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Holcolmbe will be selling & signing their books. (Please note, that this is a serious conference, which looks at some very serious and in some cases disturbuing situations…..children under sixteen are strongly discouraged from attending. Feel free to ask for specifics from the organizer if interested in more details.) A N D……. be sure to check out www. for all things UFO !!!

*******TAKE ADVANTAGE OF E A R L Y B I R D P R I C I N G which will last only for the summer months ($35.00 + a few dollars Eventbrite processing fee). The price will ultimately be raised to $40.00, and $45.00 (cash only) at the door********

(IMPORTANT NOTES: The Lodge does not allow food or drink to be taken into the hall. A continental breakfast and lunch will be served at a reasonable price. There are, however, eating establishments nearby for those wishing to eat elsewhere. The admission price is the SAME, regardless of how many speakers are seen or when someone enters the hall. NO REFUNDS post admission/entrance. A detailed schedule of events TBA, but this is an all day conference, lasting from about 9 am to 6 pm, with registration beginning at 8:30 am.)

https___img_evbuc_com_https%253A%252F%252Fcdn_evbuc_com%252Fimages%252F14127744%252F61385250787%252F1%252Foriginal.jpg 10 years ago
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