GhoSt Augustine Tours offers staunch believers, hardcore skeptics and curious tourists alike frighteningly fun tours about town filled with fascinating stories of those whose spirits linger in the nation’s oldest city. Founded in 2001 as the old city’s first paranormal store selling professional ghost hunting equipment, GhoST Augustine offers four distinct tours, each focusing on a different area of historic St. Augustine.
GhoSt Augustine’s Hearse Ride Tour offers a 60-minute and a 90-minute ride through the historic district’s darkest side; down dim alleyways and around corners where larger tour vehicles can’t access. The 90-minute tour also stops at the Lighthouse. The small tour group size makes for a spookier, yet more personal ghostly experience. Visitors and locals will get a hands-on lesson in professional ghost hunting using the K-II EMF Ghost Meter.
Guests who choose the Pub Hearse Ride will get the same experience (about 3 hours) but you will also be visiting local pubs reported to be haunted by long-dead revelers. On the walking Haunted Pub Tour, you’ll stroll the spirit-soaked alleyways and sidewalks, stopping in at several haunted pubs and bars (usually 4) where ghosts are said to tarry. Your guide will bring an EMF meter, checking for evidence of ethereal presences.
For the ultimate ghost hunting and ghost tale telling experience, choose the Total Paranormal St. Augustine Tour, a 4.5-hour journey through the old city’s bloody past, focusing on historic downtown and the St. Augustine Lighthouse areas. This tour offers an expert-led lesson on paranormal investigation and hits the most active haunts in town, including many of St. Augustine’s oldest cemeteries. The first 2 hours is by foot. After an intermission you continue in one of their haunted hearses.
Tickets for GhoSt Augustine Tours can be purchased at Beerhammer’s in the Heritage Walk Mall.