229 SW 2nd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, USA
229 Southwest 2nd Avenue Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301 US


Historic Village
229 SW Second Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301


King-Cromartie House can be found in Fort Lauderdale’s Historic Village, right behind the old school house, on second street, now far from The New River Inn building, now Fort Lauderdale’s Historic Museum.

Admission is $10 and includes a self-guided tour of the New River Inn and a docent-led tour of the 1907 King-Cromartie House and the 1899 Replica School House.


In 1907, building contractor Edwin T. King built this original one story bungalow for his family, out of Dade County pine, using joists made of salvaged ship’s timbers. The house was built with running water and carbide lamps. When Bloxham Cromartie, whose sister Ivy lived just across the river with her husband, Frank Stranahan, asked Mr. King for his daughter Louise’s hand in marriage, Mr. King gave his daughter Louise and new son-in-law Bloxham this old family home. This young couple added a second story in 1911. Various members of The King-Cromartie family lived in this house, up until 1968. In 1968, they sold the property to folks who had other innovative plans for the property upon which this home sat on, that weren’t good for this historical structure. Uh Oh!

When the new owners planned to tear down the King-Cromartie house, The Junior League of Fort Lauderdale, made up of a bunch a young women, came to the rescue, and managed to raise the funds to save The King-Cromartie home. This 200 ton structure was moved by barge, and floated down the New River to the older historic area. It was a nail-biting experience, as the barge had to go through three draw bridges. The tightest fit was the railroad bridge (with only 18 inches on either side.) It was a successful move, and it was placed on the playground of the 1899 historic school house.

The Junior League of Fort Lauderdale opened it as a historic house museum in 1971. In 1994, The Fort Lauderdale Historical Society, Inc was given custody of this home and took over the duties of this house museum in 1994. The King-Cromartie House Museum is now part of Fort Lauderdale Historic Village, that has a wonderful collection of old historic homes and buildings; a real look at the past history and people of long ago Fort Lauderdale. Sandy the Casteele did a marvelous job recreating the interior scheme of the King-Cromartie home, with just a few pictures and a few pieces of original furniture.


People who die prematurely without warning because of disease, accident or murder often aren’t ready to go to the other side, and choose to stay in their favorite place on earth. During an epidemic outbreak, Louise King Cromartie suffered and died of yellow fever in the 1920s at what we would consider a young age.

( The Gerber House * Jerome Grand Hotel * Liberty Hall Mansion * The Moore House )

Before pesticides, vaccinations and antibiotics, many children died of disease and infections in the 19th /early 20th century. Yellow fever was a big killer in Florida, because of the mosquito problem. Some entities of children stick around areas where they had fun, felt loved, and perhaps are in need of direction to the light.

( Mendocini House * Monteleone Hotel * Lafitte’s Guest House * Olde Pink House; basement pub )


To read the full report, buy John Marc Carr’s fabulous book, HAUNTED FORT LAUDERDALE.

The Entity of Louise King Cromartie

Her translucent apparition has been seen, looking out her second floor bedroom window. Some people are treated to the full paranormal package. She is described as wearing her blonde hair in a bun with ringlets on the side of her face, wearing a pink dress. She is an affable, benign spirit, who likes to watch people from the second story window of her bedroom.

John Marc Carr’ team caught on film, what is commonly reported by many witnesses; The very gentle, deliberate movement of the curtains, that after a few moments, mysteriously close, when no one alive was inside. By 8 pm, the people leave, and switch on the alarm. A photographer on one of Carr’s night ghost tours also caught a photo of an apparition in that same window, looking down at the people.

The entities of children – The King-Cromartie House now sits on what was once the playground of the school that is located in back of The King- Cromartie House on the next street over.

The porch swing can suddenly start rocking with vigor, as if a younger person with lots of energy is having fun!

The sounds of children running, playing, laughing and singing around and in back of the house are heard by the living.


A big YES INDEED is in order. The many personal reports from witnesses, and the actions caught on film mentioned above, by the astute John Marc Carr, is great evidence that Louis is still enjoying her home! Also, the slide show promoting Carr’s Fort Lauderdale Ghost Tour – shows a misty form in this same window.

As for the children being there; probably, though no hard evidence via the internet has been shared. Some of the sounds may be residual energy, but the sudden, vigorous swinging of the porch swing points to the probability that a young child entity or two may be enjoying an eternal recess on the property.

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